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On the importance on "Competencies"


....We need to hire people with sharp minds, that was our priority, and accountants and lawyers had at least proved that they could master a difficult subject. And pass a big test. ...

....Most had also demonstrated basic competence. When you hired an accountant, you know he or she could count. When you hire a lawyer, you knew he or she could talk. When you hired a marketing expert, or product developer, what did you know? Nothing. You couldn't predict what he or she could do, or if he or she could do anything. ...

...And a typical business graduate? He or she didn't want to start out with a bag selling shoes. Plus, they all had zero experience, so you were simply rolling the dice based on how well they did in an interview. We didn't have enough margin for error to roll that dice on anyone. ...

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Phil Knight -"Shoe Dog"

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